Matheus da Rocha Montanari
1996 - Caxias do Sul, Brazil
My artistic practice begins by identifying networks and agents, and then interfering with a series of poetic operations that establish new connections and agencies. From these processes, I seek to rethink, subvert, defunctionalize, or simply put technology in a state of estrangement. My goal is to develop a new technological ontology with artistic practice, this means, besides reflecting on how technology affects art, to propose different ways for art to affect the conception of technology.
I advocate for an ecological and decolonial elaboration that crosses technological thinking, proposing a diverse cosmotechnical vision, supported by a poetics of care. I seek to challenge the hegemony of hyper-productivity and surveillance over technical thinking, to allow technology to inhabit other domains and affections of human and more-than-human relations.
Matheus Montanari was born in Caxias do Sul, Brazil, he graduated in digital technologies in 2018 at the University of Caxias do Sul. Between 2016 and 2017 he carried out a period of his studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon in Portugal, where he began his artistic production in art and technology. In 2020 he received a master’s degree in visual arts from the University of São Paulo, institution in which he is currently developing his doctoral research, with a research period at the Universidad Politénica de Valencia, Spain. He is a member of the Digital Poetics group, and the Multimedia Anthropology Lab at the University of London.
He works at the intersection of art, science and philosophy, investigating ways to rethink technology after art. He is interested in cosmotechnical diversities, and in combining decolonial ecological thinking with technical activities. Recently he has been developing his practice in collaboration with indigenous Guarani and Kaiowá communities in Brazil. He has exhibited his work in Brazil and abroad, in countries such as: Argentina, Portugal, Austria, China and Italy. He was awarded the web art category prize of the 67th Contemporary Art Salon of Paraná.
2021 - current Ph.D. Visual Arts - Multimedia
Universidade de São Paulo - ECA . Brazil
2019 - 2020 Master Visual Arts - Multimedia
Universidade de São Paulo - ECA . Brazil
2015 - 2018 Bachelor Digital Technology
Universidade de Caxias do Sul. Brazil
2016 - 2017 Multimedia Art
Faculdade de Belas Artes Lisboa. Portugal
2022 - MIS-SP - Ecnruzilhada Blockchain
2022 - Palestra e oficina interativa no MIS buscam discutir o saber-fazer Guarani e Kaiowá
2022 - Jornal Pioneiro - Paisagens Algorítmicas: Ecologias de um mundo em ruínas
2022 - Prefeitura de Caxias do Sul: Últimos dias para conferir a exposição Paisagens Algorítmicas
2022 - Artista visual Matheus da Rocha Montanari apresenta exposição no Centro de Cultura Ordovás
2021 - Next Museum - Algorithmic Landscapes
2021- Prefeitura de Caxias do Sul - Paisagens Algorítmicas
2021 - Radio Caxias - Paisagens Algorítmicas
2020- Secretaria Municipal da Cultura de Caxias do Sul
2020 - SPTV, Globo - Janelas Desobedientes
2020- Jornal USP - Como são os Sons da Quarentena?
2020- Tv Cultura - Janelas Desobedientes
2019 - Jornal Pioneiro - Criações Poéticas